The Golden Spiral
Public Art
The College of New Jersey STEM Complex, Ewing, NJ, 2018
Inspired by the Golden Ratio, this 28′ w landmark functional sculpture creates an outdoor classroom and a community gathering site. Sculpture is a focal point of the STEM complex, serving as an icon for the College and embodying the search for knowledge and insight via higher education. The pursuit of beauty, of underlying order, lies at the core of intellectual inquiry. Explored since ancient times, and made popular through work of Leonardo Fibonacci and Johannes Kepler in the Middle Ages, the Golden Ratio is visualized here as a logarithmic spiral.
Commissioned by the College of New Jersey;Created in association with the NJ State Council on the Arts
Fabricated in Fiber Reinforced Polymer & Stainless Steel by Kreysler & Associates.
Project Team:
John Morgan Thomas Landscape Architects
ZFA Structural Engineers
S & M Landscape Lighting
Lambert Lighting
J.H. Williams Enterprises Inc.
Tom Crane Photography
Ricardo Barros, Photographer